The UTSG Electronic Mailing List

An Email based mailing list has been established by the Universities Transport Study Group (UTSG). The list provides an electronic discussion forum and information resource for researchers in the field of transport primarily, but not exclusively, in the academic community.

The list was established in October 1993, and has a steadily growing membership, including researchers in all continents of the World.

The aim of the list is to facilitate information sharing, (e.g. news of new research, conferences, seminars and workshops) and to promote links, collaborative working, joint problem-solving and mutual support. Depending on the level of usage of the list and on demand, sub-lists may be set up in the future for special interests or particular types of information.

The list is administered by the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds. It is one of several hundred lists managed by the JISCmail facility funded by the Higher and Further Education Councils of the UK.

UTSG JISCmail website –


UTSG List Archives

Dear colleagues,

This information on launch of five Quantum Technology Hubs from UKRI might be of interest. Details at

This year also commemorates the 100th anniversary of S.N. Bose's pioneering work in quantum mechanics. Satyendra Nath Bose was one of the founding fathers of quantum mechanics. His pioneering work on quantum statistics has paved the way for development of modern quantum technologies including Bose-Einstein condensation, quantum superconductivity, and quantum information theory. [...]
Posted: July 26, 2024, 12:59 pm
Exiting news for potential PhD candidates! This message is sent on behalf of Professor Tiziana Campisi.

The University of Enna Kore (Italy) is holding a competition for admission to the course of PhD in Intelligent Systems for Engineering - Cycle XL
The call for applications envisages a PhD student position in the field of transport, i.e. the candidate will have to deal with the study of integrated freight/passenger transport systems (e.g. DRT, MaaS platforms etc.).
The study grant is provided by the public transport company INTERBUS Spa
The grant in the amount set by Ministerial Decree no. 247 of Feb. [...]
Posted: July 26, 2024, 10:45 am
Hi All - Very little was said about roads and traffic in the General Election manifestos, yet there is a long list of road schemes - some very controversial, and all developed under the previous Government or its predecessors. I have a new paper published in Local Transport Today, July 2024, and now free-to-view in its associated discussion network Tapas. My proposal is for a independent review, designed to give a breathing space, and reboot the whole discussion about roads and the 'war against the motorist' [...]
Posted: July 21, 2024, 12:37 pm