The Universities’ Transport Study Group (UTSG), initiated by the late Professor R.J. Smeed of University College London in 1967, aims to promote transport teaching and research and to act as a focus for those involved in these activities in universities and institutions of higher education in the UK and Ireland. Member institutions (of which there are over 50) are expected to be conducting a substantial amount of postgraduate research in the field of transport. Because such activities are often spread over several departments, each institution appoints a correspondent to disseminate and collate information: in this way over 100 departments are involved in UTSG’s activities. Membership of UTSG is free and all positions on its elected executive committee are honorary. In addition to the membership from the UK and Ireland, over 70 academic institutions are represented on its list of overseas correspondents.

Main Activities

  • An annual conference for staff, research students and other relative newcomers to transport research of member institutions and overseas universities, which is designed to discuss research needs, research in progress, and to give research students the opportunity to present papers on their work.
  • Liaison with users and sponsors of transport research (including the relevant professional institutions and organisations) aimed at promoting the benefits of university research, the timely dissemination of information on research opportunities to UTSG members and the general dissemination of information on the relevant research activities of UTSG members.
  • Occasional informal seminars and workshops arranged by liaison groups or with government organisations to discuss specific research issues in greater depth.
  • Ensuring sufficient and sustained financial support for transport research and education at all levels, including issues such as methods of assessment employed, and support for research staff.

UTSG welcomes applications for membership from Institutions in the UK and Ireland and enquiries on any of its activities should be addressed to the Honorary Secretary.