Day 1 Plenary Speaker: Prof. Lucy Budd

Prof Budd is a human geographer and Professor of Transport Management in the Faculty of Business and Law at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. Lucy’s research focuses on applied transport innovation and place-based mobility solutions and addresses issues including decarbonisation, socio-spatial equity and accessibility. She is Editor-in-Chief of Research in Transportation Business and Management (Elsevier) and sits on the Editorial Boards of a further six transport journals. She is currently co-editing the Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Urban Transport and The Research Handbook of Air Transport Management (Edward Elgar).

Day 2 Plenary Speaker: Prof. Brian Caulfield

Prof Caulfield is Head of Discipline in the Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering. His research addresses global issues such as the environmental impacts of transport and methods to reduce the carbon impacts of transport. Prof Caulfield has published over 200 papers in international journals and conferences and to date has been awarded approx. €7 million in research funding. He currently has 9 PhD students and 6 postdoctoral researchers in his research group. He is an Editor of Transport Policy, a leading international highly ranked journal. He is a member of the International Editorial Board of Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Case Studies on Transport Policy, the Journal of Cycling and Micro-mobility Research, and the Journal of Transport Geography.

Day 3 Plenary Speaker: Prof. Greg Marsden

Prof Marsden is Professor of Transport Governance at the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds. He has researched issues surrounding the design and implementation of new policies for over 20 years covering a range of issues. He is an expert in climate and energy policy in the transport sector. He led the DecarboN8 network where he developed a new place based approach to decarbonising transport. He now leads the Place theme in the national Energy Demand Research Centre and is the Director of the INFUZE project which is exploring post car-ownership futures.