Entries by Nima Dadashzadeh

The UTSG2024 Conference Programme is out!

Dear UTSG friends, To access the finalised programme, click HERE! It will be a wonderful event packed with interesting talks and exceptional initiatives. Looking forward to welcoming you on Monday, July 1st in Huddersfield. Have a lovely weekend. UTSG2024 Organising Team in Huddersfield

UTSG2024 Conference registration is now open!

We are pleased to inform you that the registration for the 56th Annual UTSG Conference (UTSG2024) is now open! You can register HERE. Please note that you or one of your co-authors need to be registered in order to present your Abstract. Early bird rates – available from now until 1st June 2024: Academic: £300 Student: […]

UTSG2024 Abstract Submission Deadline EXTENDED!

Dear Colleagues, After many requests we are happy to announce an extension of 10 days for our call of abstracts for the UTSG2024 Conference in Huddersfield (1-3 July). OUR SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS IS NOW OPEN UNTIL 21 MARCH (23:59)! A 300-word abstract along with 6 Key words are required in this stage. For more information, […]

UTSG2024 Conference – Call for Abstracts

We are pleased to announce that the 56th Universities’ Transport Studies Group (UTSG) Annual Conference will take place at Huddersfield Business School, University of Huddersfield between 1 and 3 July 2024. Colleagues are reminded that the UTSG conference is a doctoral-student-friendly conference and as always, we are particularly encouraging research students to submit their work. […]

Update on EDI@UTSG Workshop

Dear Colleagues, Given the rail strike planned to start on the 29th of January for 6-7 days, it is with reluctance we have made the decision to conduct the EDI@UTSG event scheduled on the 1st of February remotely instead of present in person. Date:   1st February 2024, 13.45h to 17.00h The link to the event […]

Pre-Call UTSG 2024: 56th Annual UTSG Conference in Huddersfield 1-3 July 2024

Dear Colleagues,  The 56th Universities’ Transport Studies Group (UTSG) Annual Conference will take place at the University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK between 1 and 3 July 2024.  The Conference will have an international scope, so contributions from colleagues outside the UK and Ireland are very much welcome!  Colleagues are reminded that the UTSG conference is […]

EDI@UTSG present in-person workshop in Newcastle University

Dear Colleagues and PhD students, You are cordially invited to the UTSG Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) present in-person workshop. The details of the event are as follows: Venue: Courtyard, Newcastle University, Room 2:21 Old Library Building Date: 1st February 2024, 13:00 to 17:00 If you are interested in attending, please, let us know by […]