The UTSG2024 Conference Programme is out!

Dear UTSG friends,

To access the finalised programme, click HERE!

It will be a wonderful event packed with interesting talks and exceptional initiatives.

Looking forward to welcoming you on Monday, July 1st in Huddersfield.

Have a lovely weekend.

UTSG2024 Organising Team in Huddersfield

Pre-Call UTSG 2025: 57th Annual UTSG Conference in Dublin 25-27 June 2025

We are delighted to announce that the 57th Universities’ Transport Studies Group (UTSG) Annual Conference will take place at University College Dublin (UCD) between 25th to 27th June 2025. This prestigious event will be co-hosted by University College Dublin and Trinity College Dublin, bringing together leading researchers, academics, and practitioners in the field of transport studies.

Colleagues are reminded that the UTSG conference is a doctoral-student-friendly conference and as always, we strongly encourage research students to submit their work for consideration. Additionally, we are pleased to announce that the conference will feature a mentoring surgery scheme aimed at supporting colleagues at various career stages, including doctoral students.

We are excited to announce that the UTSG conference will feature a collaboration initiative for special issues with top-tier journals from Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, Wiley, and others.

Authors are invited to submit their research papers to the Conference. Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Transportation Policy and Economics
  • Transportation and Environment
  • Energy in Transportation
  • Climate Change and Resilience in Transportation
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
  • Autonomous Vehicles & Future Mobility
  • Logistics and Freight Transportation
  • Public Transportation Systems
  • Traffic Management, Operations and Safety
  • Social Equity and Transportation
  • Emerging Trends in Air and Water Transport
  • Transportation and Health
  • Gender, Diversity, and Inclusion in Transport
  • Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
  • Infrastructure Design and Maintenance

Presenting your work at the UTSG Conference involves two stages:

1. Abstract Submission:

Authors must submit a 300-word abstract and six keywords that should clearly identify the objectives, background, methods, main findings, and conclusions of your work. The abstracts will be reviewed and authors will be informed of the decision by the end of 2025. Only authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit either a ‘full paper’ or an ‘extended abstract’ using the appropriate templates available on the UTSG and Conference websites.

Abstract Submission Deadline: Monday 10th February, 2025.

2. Paper Submission Guidelines:

Authors of accepted abstracts will have two options for submitting their research work:

  *   A full paper (max. 12 pages long); this is the recommended option for authors considering the special-issue initiative.

  *   An extended abstract of max. 1500 words

Deadline: Monday 5th May 2025

Full papers and extended abstracts will need to use the corresponding UTSG templates. Please also note that Smeed Prize entrants must submit a full paper to be eligible (see, criteria below). Templates and further information can be found on the UTSG website.

Smeed Prize Submissions

[Open to UTSG member institutions in the UK and Ireland, only] Papers can be submitted for the Smeed Prize competition if they are prepared and presented entirely by an author who:

  *   Has carried out the work described in the paper while registered as a postgraduate student at a UTSG member institution, and

  *   Is either still registered as a student at such an institution or has had a viva since the previous UTSG conference.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Dublin!

This conference is an opportunity for academia & industry professionals to promote, share and discuss issues and developments in the field of transportation. For updates & information please visit

*Contact for UTSG2025 related matters: OR 

The UTSG2024 Conference Programme is out!

Dear UTSG friends,

To access the finalised programme, click HERE!

It will be a wonderful event packed with interesting talks and exceptional initiatives.

Looking forward to welcoming you on Monday, July 1st in Huddersfield.

Have a lovely weekend.

UTSG2024 Organising Team in Huddersfield

UTSG2024 Conference registration is now open!

We are pleased to inform you that the registration for the 56th Annual UTSG Conference (UTSG2024) is now open!

You can register HERE.

Please note that you or one of your co-authors need to be registered in order to present your Abstract.

Early bird rates – available from now until 1st June 2024:

Academic: £300

Student: £250

Regular rates – available from 2nd June 2024:

Academic: £350

Student: £300

Other options:

Accompanying person*: £150

*This ticket gives your accompanying person access to the full conference, including the social events. 

At our conference website, we also have provided some practical information that may help you to plan and prepare your travel and accommodation. For more information please visit the website.

We look forward to seeing you in Huddersfield this summer,

UTSG2024 Organising Committee

UTSG2024 Abstract Submission Deadline EXTENDED!

Dear Colleagues,

After many requests we are happy to announce an extension of 10 days for our call of abstracts for the UTSG2024 Conference in Huddersfield (1-3 July).


A 300-word abstract along with 6 Key words are required in this stage. For more information, please see: Annual Conference: UTSG2024 – UTSG

Kind regards,

Local Organising Committee

UTSG2024 Conference

UTSG2024 Conference – Call for Abstracts

We are pleased to announce that the 56th Universities’ Transport Studies Group (UTSG) Annual Conference will take place at Huddersfield Business School, University of Huddersfield between 1 and 3 July 2024. Colleagues are reminded that the UTSG conference is a doctoral-student-friendly conference and as always, we are particularly encouraging research students to submit their work. Also, we will be holding a mentoring-surgery scheme to support colleagues across different career stages and doctoral students and a legacy scheme. The UTSG conference at Huddersfield will operate a collaboration initiative for special issues with top-tier journals including Travel Behaviour and Society (Elsevier), Transportation Planning and Technology (Taylor & Francis), and IET Intelligent Transport Systems (Institution of Engineering and Technology).

To present your work at the UTSG Conference involves two stages:

1. Abstract Submission Guideline:

Authors must submit a 300-word abstract and six keywords that should clearly identify the objectives, background, methods, main findings, and conclusions of your work. The abstracts will be reviewed by the UTSG Executive Committee and corresponding authors will be informed of the decision by mid-April 2024. Only authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit either a ‘full paper’ or an ‘extended abstract’ using the appropriate templates available on the UTSG and Conference websites.

Abstract Submission Deadline: Monday 11 March 2024. To submit an abstract, please click HERE .

Note: There is no need to attach a file at this stage but simply paste your abstract in the corresponding field. Authors submitting abstracts for the Smeed Prize (see, eligibility criteria below) must indicate that in the corresponding ‘Topic’ of the submission form.

2. Paper Submission Guidelines

Open: late April; Deadline: Monday 10 June 2024

Authors of accepted abstracts will have two options for submitting their research work:

  *   A full paper (max. 12 pages long); this is the recommended option for authors considering the special-issue initiative.

  *   An extended abstract of max. 1500 words

Full papers and extended abstracts will need to use the corresponding UTSG templates. Please also note that Smeed Prize entrants must submit a full paper to be eligible (see, criteria below). Templates and further information can be found on the UTSG website.

Smeed Prize Submissions

[Open to UTSG member institutions in the UK and Ireland, only] Papers can be submitted for the Smeed Prize competition if they are prepared and presented entirely by an author who:

  *   Has carried out the work described in the paper while registered as a postgraduate student at a UTSG member institution, and

  *   Is either still registered as a student at such an institution or has had a viva since the previous UTSG conference.

The best paper will be awarded £500 and the runner-up £250. Anyone wishing to enter the Smeed Prize should make this clear in a statement immediately following the abstract. Entrants must be supported by a confirmation message from the candidate’s supervisor to the A full paper submission after the abstract acceptance is compulsory for the Smeed entrants.


More details about the conference, including delegate fees and registration will be announced in due course via email and on the Conference website. Please, feel free to email for any queries.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at Huddersfield!

On behalf the organising committee with my best wishes,

Prof. Alexandros Nikitas

Chair of the Local Organising Committee

UTSG Executive Committee Chair

Update on EDI@UTSG Workshop

Dear Colleagues,

Given the rail strike planned to start on the 29th of January for 6-7 days, it is with reluctance we have made the decision to conduct the EDI@UTSG event scheduled on the 1st of February remotely instead of present in person.

Date:   1st February 2024, 13.45h to 17.00h

The link to the event will be sent to those who have already registered and any new registrations in dues course.

If interested in attending our virtual event, please register using the link HERE.

Following on from the November EDI@UTSG webinar this virtual event will provide an opportunity to start putting EDI into practice and acting not just talking. The UTSG Transport Community will learn from those who have experience with EDI issues and the challenges faced in the workplace. Professor Glenn Lyons of the University of West of England will give an opening address followed by Jennie Martin MBE who will share her experience working in the transport technology environment. Dr Vi Parker will deliver an interactive session explaining the use of the EDI Toolkit recently launched at Newcastle University. This will provide delegates an opportunity to ask questions and learn how to put EDI into practice through discussion and engagement.

This workshop will be of interest to the UTSG research community at ALL stages of their career, from PhD students through to Professors. Also, the workshop may be of interest to those who offer advice to research staff within your university so please pass on this invitation to your colleagues.

By attending the workshop delegates will have a richer understanding of EDI issues that have been faced by others and how they were resolved. Thus, through this raised awareness of experiences that those with specific characteristics can face in academia and research they will be better able to step into the shoes of people who are different. Delegates will learn how to better manage and embed EDI in their lives and equipped with the understanding of the EDI Toolkit will help the UTSG community to work as a team to cultivate a more inclusive environment. In this way we will learn why EDI is important in the UTSG community and how to make EDI our business.


13.45    Welcome

“Setting the Scene”

Margaret Bell CBE, Science City Professor of Transport and Environment, Newcastle University

14:00-15.15      Session 1: EDI is our Business.

“Seeing beyond white male privilege in the transport sector,”

Glenn Lyons:  Mott MacDonald Professor of Future Mobility, University of West of England

“Women in transport technology:  a retrospective and some recommendations”

Jennie Martin MBE: Chair Bus Users UK, Parliamentary   Advisory Council for Transport Safety

15.15-15.45 Networking Break

15:45 – 17:00 Session 2: EDI in Action

“EDI Toolkit”                        Dr Vi Parker: EDI Training Lead, Newcastle University

“Putting EDI into Action”     Facilitated discussion and opportunity to ask questions.

“Way Forward”                      All

Looking forward to seeing you on the 1st of February.

On behalf of EDI Committee,

Dr Elena Alyavina

Lecturer in Sustainable Transport and Supply Chain Management

Huddersfield Business School

University of Huddersfield | Queensgate | Huddersfield | HD1 3DH