Please Note: This information is being made available as part of UTSG’s ongoing project to provide complete records of all its annual conferences on
If you can help with any missing information (particularly if you have electronic copies of any of the papers or abstracts, or notice any mistakes) then please contact the UTSG Secretary.

1999 Conference (York)

  • Wootton : The challenge we face [Southampton]
  • Fox : Transferability of urban micro-simulation models [Leeds]
  • Silva : Simulating interactions between buses and other traffic [University College London]
  • Addison, Low, McCann : From traffic microsimulation to street canyon pollution monitoring [Napier]
  • Davies, Fisher : Estimates of the improvement in urban air quality brought about by low emission vehicles [Greenwich]
  • Martin : A review of Scottish ports [Napier]
  • Shinghal : Use of adapted SP for modelling demand for freight services in a developing country [Leeds]
  • Anable : Picnics, pets and pleasant places: the distinguishing characteristics of leisure travel demand [Imperial College]
  • Ali, Odoki, Kerali : A conceptual framework for modelling rural transport demand in developing countries [Birmingham]
  • Malkhamah : The development of an automatic method of safety monitoring at pelican crossings [Leeds]
  • Tunara : Hierarchical Bayesian models for road accident data [Middlesex]
  • Whiteing, Brewer : Contestability in the UK rail freight market: what are the key barriers to entry and how can they be overcome? [Huddersfield]
  • Murray, Mills : Reversing accidents in UK transport fleets [Huddersfield]
  • Holland : Fuzzy logic model of mode choice with public transport ATIS [Newcastle upon Tyne]
  • Marsden, McDonald, Brackstone : The impacts of adaptive cruise control on motorway operations [Southampton]
  • Bennett, Slack : The reliability of precise GPS car tracking along an urban arterial and the derivation of link travel time functions and delay estimates using GPS and SCOOT data [Nottingham]
  • Oladeinde : A statistical framework for modelling traveller learning under uncertainty [Imperial College]
  • Fang : Effects of rubbernecking on driver headway keeping – a driving simulator study [Leeds]
  • Kolbl : The law of constant travel time and trip rate – an explanatory attempt [Southampton]
  • Carey, Crawford : Scheduling trains through a series of busy complex junctions [Ulster]
  • Cole, Holvad, O’Higgins, Gommers : SONERAIL: economic assessment of rail services [North London]
  • Cowie : Acquisition, efficiency and economies of scale – the case of the Scottish bus industry [Glasgow Caledonian]
  • Majumdar : The estimation of European airspace capacity based upon a model of air traffic controller workload [Imperial College]
  • Gunnay : Modelling the lanekeeping discipline on two and multi-lane uninterrupted traffic flows [Newcastle upon Tyne]
  • Liu, Tate : Simulation modelling of external vehicle speed control systems [Leeds]
  • Grosso : The application of the path flow estimator in five European cities [Newcastle upon Tyne]
  • White, Whittaker : Origin destination matrix estimation from traffic flows measured with error [Lancaster]
  • Chung : An optimum sampling framework for estimating trip matrices from day-to-day traffic counts [Leeds]
  • Clegg, Clune, Routledge, Smith : MUSIC: beyond predict and provide. Signal policies for traffic demand management [York]
  • Ryley : The potential for cycling in Belfast [Ulster]
  • Cooper, Thornhill : Student travel: the potential for positive motivation through ticketing incentives [Ulster]
  • Heydecker, Boardman : Optimisation of timings for traffic signals by dynamic programming [University College London]
  • Frame : Obtaining the global optimum of the TRANSYT performance index [Napier]
  • Chiou : Area traffic control with system-optimised network flows [University College London]
  • Dowland : Information provision and use in the planning of countryside recreational trips [Leeds]
  • Crabtree : A system dynamics model for investigating transport policies in UK national parks [Northumbria]
  • Titheridge, Hall, Hall : A study of commuting patterns using small-zone data [University College London]
  • Root : Measuring the market for travel vouchers [Oxford]
  • Redfern : The role of park and ride in implementing a clear zone [Southampton]
  • Wright, Lupton : Traffic flow relationships, when they are fundamental [Middlesex]
  • Kirby, Hutton, McQuaid, Raeside, Zhang : Innovations in modelling the effects of transport policy levers on national fuel consumption [Napier]
  • James : Game theory and road pricing [Sheffield]
  • Heaney, Perry : Novel aspects of planning public transport systems in redevelopment areas [Trinity College Dublin]
  • Jopson : Changing personal travel decisions to reduce car dependence [Leeds]
  • Rye : Who needs a bus quality partnership? The results of a study of patronage and attitudes to bus use on Edinburgh’s Route 66 [Napier]
  • Skinner : On integration – a contribution to better understanding [Open University]
  • Vigar, Steele : Beyond the Transport White Paper: the pitfalls and potentialities associated with transport’s ‘New Localism’ [Leeds Metropolitan]
  • Routledge : Urban traffic management and control: friend or foe [York]
  • Reynolds, Broderick : A GIS transport and emissions model [Trinity College Dublin]
  • Marnane, Broderick : Meteorological and sampling time effects on roadside VOC measurements [Trinity College Dublin]
  • Henson, Petch : Child traffic safety in the urban built environment [Salford]
  • Masaoe : Traffic conflicts prediction models for four-arm priority road junctions [Leeds]
  • Ali, Crosta, Allsop, Heydecker, Robertson, Vincencio Silva : Improved traffic signal control using image analysis [University College London]
  • Sayers, Anderson : Optimisation of a fuzzy logic traffic signal controller with multiple objectives [Newcastle upon Tyne]

2000 Conference (Liverpool)

  • Hills, Gray : Characterising congestion on an urban road network subject to road-use pricing: a fundamental review [Newcastle upon Tyne]
  • Saleh : Urban road-use pricing: technically optimal or politically feasible? [Napier]
  • Ison : Attitudes to urban road pricing: a local authority and academic survey [Anglia]
  • Clark, Watling : Probit based sensitivity analysis for general traffic networks [Leeds]
  • Piao : Network effects of VMS duration on journey time savings in situations of incidents [Southampton]
  • Allen, Anderson, Browne, Jones : A framework for considering policies to encourage sustainable urban freight traffic [Westminster]
  • Murray, Whiteing : Assessment of post-qualified drivers, including IT based approaches [Huddersfield]
  • Kevill : The implications of bus operator paradigms for local government intervention in transport models [Central England]
  • Roberts : Employee involvement in UK bus company ownership in the post deregulation era [Liverpool John Moores]
  • James, McHardy : Optimal fares and network configurations: a comparative analysis of monopoly and socially planned bus provision [Sheffield]
  • Wu : Aircraft operational costs and efficiency at airports [Loughborough]
  • Graham : Maturity of leisure air travel demand with particular reference to the UK transport market [Westminster]
  • Denton : Airline franchising: benefits and disbenefits to airlines and consumers [Westminster]
  • Clegg, Clune : Transport networks: telecom networks. An opportunity for combining research findings [York]
  • Takano : Dynamic traffic assignment due to road works [Birmingham]
  • Han : Dynamic stochastic user equilibrium assignment with ideal travel time [University College London]
  • Reynolds, Broderick : An air quality modelling system (AQMS) for traffic pollution in European cities [Trinity College Dublin]
  • Jalihal : Estimation and prediction of roadside pollution using SCOOT and ADMS (urban) model [Leeds]
  • Park : Microscopic modelling of air pollution from road traffic [Imperial College]
  • Preston : It’s the economy, stupid: a re-consideration of the links between transport and the economy [Oxford]
  • Enoch : The case of Mauritius: a simplified and accelerated example of how modern transport systems develop [Open University]
  • Arintono : Reviewing the impacts of crisis on public transport markets: a case study of Indonesia [Leeds]
  • Moore : Policy frameworks in regional public transport organisations [Napier]
  • Anderson, Gerson, Mulley, Nelson : The development of a benchmarking handbook for public transport operators [Newcastle upon Tyne]
  • Gordon : A rail hub for Britain [Westminster]
  • McLay, Lyons : From laughing stock into rolling stock: can rail passenger information help make a difference? [Southampton]
  • Price, Grey : Crime and mobility on rail systems [Portsmouth]
  • Spiropoulou : A comparison between various traffic flow models [University College London]
  • Ahmad, Kerali, Odoki : Development of speed flow relationships at urban signalised intersections for HDM-4 [Birmingham]
  • Purnawan : Observations of gap acceptance at on-street parking operations [Salford]
  • Moyo : The potential network benefits of road pricing: evidence from the literature and from modelling [Southampton]
  • Batley : Decision process models for complex hypothetical choice tasks [Leeds]
  • Oh : Identification of the causal factors of activity duration dynamics using hazard based duration models [Imperial College]
  • Jopson : Can psychology help to reduce car use? [Leeds]
  • Wright, Egan : De-marketing the car [Middlesex]
  • Dargay, Hanley : Car ownership in Great Britain – a panel data analysis [University College London]
  • Sermpis : Use of microscopic models in estimating delay at signal-controlled junctions [University College London]
  • Tafti : Application of artificial intelligence neural networks to develop an enhanced ramp metering control strategy [Cardiff]
  • Silva : Simulating bus stops in mixed traffic [University College London]
  • Bredin, O’Mahony : Measurement and assessment of urban traffic noise in Dublin [Trinity College Dublin]
  • Esteves, Muneer, Kirby, Kubie, Hunter : Driving cycle and its impact on vehicular emissions [Napier]
  • Bell : Do we really have the tools to do the job? Air quality management and assessment [Leeds]
  • Thorpe, Law, Nelson : Raising transport and travel awareness through feedback from an electronic self-completion travel diary [Newcastle upon Tyne]
  • Cooper, Ryley, Smyth : Lifestyles and their implications for sustainable development policy in conditions of car dependency [Napier]
  • Ahern, Mackett : Why do car drivers choose to drive? [University College London]
  • Wu, McDonald, Brackstone : The potential benefits of convoys [Southampton]
  • Tsopelas : Car parking and transport telematics: improved user information [UMIST]
  • Swan, Scott, Hine, Binnie, Sharp : Finding the way: the development of a wayfinding system [Napier]
  • Babalik : Urban rail systems: over-estimated success or under-developed policy making? [University College London]
  • Rowlinson : Railfreight renaissance: a study of rail-port logistics in the European marketplace [London Guildhall]
  • Rackliff : Integrating suburban rail systems with urban tramways: the potential for the Karlsruhe Model in the UK [Nottingham]
  • Celikel, Saleh : Evaluation of the employer-based travel demand management measures [Napier]
  • Noland, Cowart : Analysis of metropolitan highway capacity and the growth in vehicle miles of travel [Imperial College]
  • White : Analysis of factors influencing the incidence of child traffic casualties in Lothian Region [Napier]
  • Jarrett, Tunaru : Correlation or causation: what can be inferred from road accident data? [Middlesex]
  • Evans : Safety decision criteria and safety regulation: the case of train protection [University College London]

2001 Conference (Oxford)

  • Goodwin : Some problems in the implementation of ‘A New Deal for Transport’ [University College London]
  • Chang, Williams : Changing the rules – amending the nationality clauses in air services agreements [Cranfield]
  • Wu, Caves : The punctuality performance of aircraft rotations in a network of airports [Loughborough]
  • Stradling : Measuring individual car dependence [Napier]
  • Ahern : Modal choices and new public transport [University College London]
  • McLay : Is that my train? Information requirements of rail passengers [Southampton]
  • Tsopelas, Ling, McCarthy : Driver attitudes to the parking guidance information system in Manchester [UMIST]
  • Dargay, Hanley : New evidence on bus fare elasticities for Great Britain [University College London]
  • Hounsell, Shears : Bus priority at traffic signals: an analysis of benefits [Southampton]
  • Holvad : An examination of efficiency level variations for bus services [Oxford]
  • Dibben : Transport and social exclusion in rural areas [Middlesex]
  • Dickins, Ford : Accessible transport for people with special needs: a case study of Walsall MBC [Central England]
  • Lucas, Simpson : Transport and accessibility: the perspectives of disadvantaged groups and communities [Westminster]
  • Anderson : The integration of telematic applications in road freight transport companies: a systems architecture approach [Westminster]
  • Higgins : Implementing bus-based telematics for the planning and monitoring of public transport services [Newcastle upon Tyne]
  • Wright : Intelligent transport systems: possibilities and limitations [Middlesex]
  • Rosa : Path based traffic assignment with probit analytical methods [Napier]
  • Batley, Fowkes, Watling, Whelan, Daly, Hato : Models for analysing route choice [Leeds]
  • Bradshaw : An evaluation of current initiatives to encourage employers to adopt travel plans [Westminster]
  • Otlet : Car commuters’ perceived barriers to change [Leeds]
  • Buchan, Rye : Environmental management systems: a natural home for travel plans? [Napier]
  • Chow : Activity-based analysis of behavioural responses to road-user charging [Newcastle upon Tyne]
  • Farrell : Investigating and modelling technically optimal road-user charges in Edinburgh [Napier]
  • Jaensirisak : Public valuation of road-user charging: selfish and social perspective [Leeds]
  • Batley, Clegg : Driver route and departure time choices: the evidence and the models [Leeds]
  • Milne : Road pricing: the route to more efficient transport systems? [Leeds]
  • Oh : Modelling household activity duration decisions using multilevel event history models [Imperial College]
  • McCulloch : Is the motorway network complete? [University College London]
  • Dhonghaile, Bennett, O’Brien, Mawdesley : Bus transit network design allowing for behavioural response [University College Dublin]
  • Whittaker : Networks or nodes? An origin-destination analysis of network effects [Westminster]
  • Wackrill, Wright : Identifying safe routes to school [Middlesex]
  • Tjahjono : Macroscopic model of traffic accident on Indonesian toll roads [Leeds]
  • Mun : A novel traffic performance model for dynamic assignment [University College London]
  • Mounce : Non-monotonicity in dynamic traffic assignment networks [York]
  • Takano, Kerali : Dynamic traffic assignment due to road works in road network [Birmingham]
  • Darroch : Using system dynamics techniques to evaluate travel demand management (TDM) measures [Newcastle upon Tyne]
  • Hutton : Urban land-use budgets: a small homage to Smeed and Mogridge [Napier]
  • McAlpine, Smyth : Urban form, social patterns and economic impact arising from the development of public transport in London 1840-1940 [Napier]
  • Bonsall : The cycle time of lorries in maritime container terminals [Liverpool John Moores]
  • Marar, Tyler : Framework for transport regulatory activity in international integration [University College London]
  • Rowlinson : The UK merchant fleet: from sunset to a new dawn? [London Guildhall]
  • Abou-Rahme : Modelling the origin of shockwaves on a motorway network [Southampton]
  • Gunay : Quantifying lane discipline on multilane roadways [Ulster]
  • Fallah Tafti : Observations of traffic behaviour at two merge sites on British motorways [Cardiff]
  • Bell, Jalihal : Development and evaluation of ETEM for predicting roadside pollution concentrations [Leeds]
  • Park : A microscopic model of air pollutant concentrations: comparison of simulated results with measured and macroscopic estimates [Imperial College]
  • Reynolds, Broderick : A new method to identify potential traffic related pollution hot-spots in urban areas [Trinity College Dublin]
  • Judge : Sustainable transport policies in Warsaw, 1990-2000: a decade of progress? [Leeds Metropolitan]
  • Parkhurst : Monitoring of the Oxford Transport Strategy: some questions for urban transport policy development [University College London]
  • Whitehead : An economic geography of road-user charging: impact on town centres [Oxford]
  • Lucas, Whittles : Evaluating effects on quality of life from Local Transport Plans [Westminster]
  • Lyons, Chatterjee, Beecroft, Marsden : Determinants of travel demand – exploring the future of society and lifestyles [Southampton]
  • Holloway, Watson : Achieving effective rail services to airports [Loughborough]
  • Whiteing : Catering for the expected growth of UK domestic rail freight: specification of the terminal network [Huddersfield]
  • O’Mahony, Geraghty, Humphreys : Analysis of car trip characteristics in Dublin, Ireland [Trinity College Dublin]
  • Bonsall, Liu, Young : Issues involved in choosing values for safety-related behavioural parameters in traffic simulation models [Leeds]