1 –
Anable : Soft Measures – soft option or smart choice? [RGU]

2A – Climate Change

Watters : Tradable Carbon Permitsreducing CO 2 from the transport sector [Leeds]
Williams : Adjusting aircraft cruise altitudes for atmospheric conditions to reduce the climate impacts [Imperial]
MacGregor : The future of emissions trading from a transport policy perspective [Loughborough]

2B – Freight Logistics

Ibáñez : Factors determining freight transport demanda comparative study of estimation methodologies [Leeds]
Finnegan : Urban freight in Dublin city centresurvey analysis and strategy evaluation [TCD]
Urquhart : Optimising dispatch times in a supermarket delivery system [Napier]

2C – Methodologies & Techniques

Nguyen : Derivation and use of variable PCU values for traffic network models [ITS]
Quddus_ (Smeed) : Fuzzy logic based map matching for land vehicle navigation [Imperial]
Hofmann (Smeed) : Hybrid rule based architecture for origin/destination extraction from electronic fare collection data [TCD]

3A – Energy & Emissions

Enoch : Contextual dynamics exploredmobility, energy and emissions in Cuba and Florida [Loughborough]
Noland : Flow improvements and vehicle emissionseffects of trip generation and emission control technology [Imperial]

3B – Railways

Woodburn : The non-bulk market for rail freight in Great Britain [Westminster]
Armstrong (Smeed) : Dealing with disruptions to railway operations [Southampton]
Jain : Travel time – gift or burden? [UWE]

3C – Network and Traffic Modelling

Ishaque : Coordinated pedestrian signalsa network optimization study using micro-simulation [Imperial]
Gibson : Ring car following models [Ulster]
Wang (Smeed) : A simulation model of motorway merging behaviour [Leeds]

4A – Implementing Road Pricing

Ryley : Transport and the medialessons from the Edinburgh congestion charging proposals [Loughborough]
Dodoo : Results from on-road trials of a road user charging system for heavy goods vehicles [Newcastle]
Quddus : The impact of the congestion charge on the retail business in Londonan econometric analysis [Imperial]

4B – Stated and Revealed Response

Clegg : An empirical study of day-to-day variability in driver travel behaviour [York]
Lu : The incentives for respondents to bias their answers in the stated preference methods [Leeds]
Caulfield : Stated preference evaluation of passenger information in Dublin [TCD]

4C – Modelling & Assignment (1

Robinson (Smeed) : The effect of the cleaning of inductive loop detector data on the performance of urban link travel time models [Imperial]
Balijepalli : Doubly dynamic equilibrium distribution approximation model for dynamic traffic assignment [Leeds]
Hu (Smeed) : Trip generation models incorporating accessibility functions [Napier]

5A – Improving Service Delivery

Cherrett : Missed another home delivery? The potential for local collect points [Southampton]
Wall : Bus passenger responses to improvements to selected bus services in Winchester [Southampton]
Marshall : Transit oriented hierarchytowards an integrated transport network structure [UCL]

5B – Enhancing Accessibility

Dibben : Addressing social exclusion through bus provision to marginal estatesthe dynamics of local decision-making [Middlesex]
Fengming : Trip chaining for elderly people [Imperial]
Aditjandra : Sustainable transport system within a designed neighbourhood [Newcastle]

5C – Modelling Policy Intervention

Takama (Smeed) : Agent-based model on the road user charging scheme at the Upper Derwent Valley, the Peak District National Park [Oxford]
Sumalee (Smeed) : Optimal implementation-path of road pricing schemes with time dependent model [Leeds]
Sunitiyoso : Modelling behavioural change in a social dilemma of commuters’ mode choice [UWE]

6A – Towards Sustainability

Morris : Car-free developmentthe potential for community travel plans [Loughborough]
Warren : Implications of HGV charging for the UK [Open]
Lumsdon : Blame or thank the Romans? The potential for and barriers to sustainable travel along Hadrian’s Wall [Lancashire]

6B – Airports

Straker (Smeed) : Airport car parkinglessons from the university sector [Loughborough]
Gardiner (Smeed) : Identifying the factors that influence cargo airlines’ choice of airportan international survey [Loughborough]
Hess (Smeed) : Modelling airport choice in the London area [Imperial]

6C – Dynamic Modelling of Travel Behaviour

Jotisankasa : Experimental investigation of day-to-day traveller learning and adaptation in route and departure time choice behaviour [Imperial]
Chow : Traffic models for dynamic system optimal assignment [UCL]
Avineri : Traffic equilibriuma prospect theory approach [UWE]

7A – Modelling & Assignment (2

Connors : Equitable network design [Leeds]
Rosa : An Investigation on algorithms for solving the stochastic user equilibrium assignment problem by simulation [Napier]
Springham : Two-direction methods for variable demand traffic assignment [Bristol]

7B – Developing Country Case-studies

Herijanto (Smeed) : Developing the singly constrained gravity model for application in developing countries [Newcastle]
Edwards (Smeed) : The improvement of the economic appraisal of rural road projects in developing countries [Birmingham]
Sillaparcharn : National transport modellinggeneral approach and application to Thailand [Leeds]

7C – Financing & Management of Transport Infrastructure

Bain : Optimism Bias and Error in Toll Road Traffic Forecasts [Leeds]
Huang : Life cycle assessment of use of recycled materials in asphalt pavement [Newcastle]
Du (Smeed) : The impact of transport infrastructure on land value using Tyne and Wear Metro as case study [Newcastle]

8A – Transport Markets

Ferilli : Modelling off-street/on-street parking competitionwalking cost and service quality in a linear city [Napier]
Dennis : Smoked salmon and Dom Perignon or peanuts and BYO? – the scope for specialised business models in the long-haul markets from Europe [Westminster]

8B – Road Safety

Widyastuti : The casualty cost of serious motorcycle Injuries in Indonesia [Newcastle]
Hashim : Operating speed behaviour models for single rural carriageways – case study of North East of England [Newcastle]

8C – Monitoring Techniques

Armitage : Tracking pedestrians using visible and infrared systems [Napier]
Brackstone : Instrumented vehicles and driver behaviour. What can and can’t we do? [Southampton]


Atkins : What is happening to the railway? [Southampton]