Please Note: This information is being made available as part of UTSG’s ongoing project to provide complete records of all its annual conferences on
If you can help with any missing information (particularly if you have electronic copies of any of the papers or abstracts, or notice any mistakes) then please contact the UTSG Secretary.
1974 Conference (UMIST)
- Howe, J. D. G., Samarasinghe, N. P. : Estimating rural traffic flows in the UK [Surrey]
- Jennings, T. : Aspects of road transport organisation in Botswana [Leicester]
- Course, E. : A note on the evolution of the railway network [Southampton]
- Walker, J. G. : The description of railway noise [Southampton]
- Hutchinson, T. P., Satterthwaite, S. P. : Analysis of some features of road accidents by use of police reports [University College London]
- Jadaan, K. S. R., Salter, R. J. : The assessment of disabled vehicle location and aid systems, a preliminary report [Bradford]
- Al-Salman, H. S. T., Salter, R. J. : The control of right turning vehicles at signal controlled intersections [Bradford]
- Bottom, C. G., Ashworth, R. : Driver behaviour at priority type intersections [Sheffield]
- Longley, D., Makin, J. : A new mathematical model of a road traffic network [Brighton Polytechnic]
- Archer, P. R., Clarke, J. M. : Factors critical to the application of modal choice models [Cranfield]
- Budde, S. : A model for the uncertainty in a conventional traffic forecasting model [Technical University of Denmark]
- Black, J., Salter, R. J. : The search for generalised coefficients in multiple linear regression equations for trip production from residential land uses [Bradford]
- Alston, I. A. : HSGT with repulsive magnetic suspensions – an evaluation [Cranfield]
- Rice, P. : Queuing and stochastic aspects of urban railway traffic [University College London]
- Rumsey, A. F., Powner, E. T. : The synchronous moving-cell control philosophy for automated transportation systems [UMIST]
- Longley, D., Bennett, J. : An analysis of a bus priority strategy [Brighton Polytechnic]
- Ferguson, J. A., Jenkins, I. A. : Performance comparison of frequent and infrequent plan changing in area traffic control [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Wright, C. C. : A second method of estimating traffic speeds from flows observed at the ends of a road link [University College London]
1975 Conference (Surrey)
- Dorey, A. P. , Newell, A. F., Watson, P. R., Hollingbery, P. L., Starkie, T. J. S. : Visual systems for transport simulators [Southampton]
- Watson, P. R., Stewart, Captain A. : Shiphandling simulation and marine training [Southampton]
- Watson, P. R., Newell, A. F. : Visual requirement specification for a shiphandling and manoeuvring simulator [Southampton]
- Hollingbery, P. L., Starkie, T. J. S. : A stereoscopic technique for simulator visual attachments [Southampton]
- Starkie, T. J. S., Newell, A. F., Dorey, A. P. : Visual perception studies in flight simulation [Southampton]
- McGinity, P., O’Leary, M. : Analytical models of airport processing [Loughborough]
- Boothby, J. : A system model of airport activity [Loughborough]
- El-Hanna, F. I., Salter, R. J. : A computer evaluation of a proposed motorway entrance ramp merging control system [Bradford]
- Al-Salman, H. S. T., Salter, R. J. : Application of computer simulation techniques to rotary intersection performance [Bradford]
- Hawkett, D. : Some aspects of driver behaviour at a congested priority-type junction [University College London]
- Gardiner, P. F. : Some factors affecting the design of junctions [Surrey]
- Mayne, A. J. : Setting of traffic signals at an intersection that is oversaturated during peak periods [University College London]
- Leech, D. J., Smart, P. M. : A simulation of train following behaviour [University College of Swansea]
- Rice, P. : An application of counting distributions to the analysis of overcrowding of a transport facility – with special reference to the London Transport underground railways [University College London]
- Bennett, T. H. : An approach to minimising computer journey time [University College London]
- Williams, H. C. W. L., Saunderson, I. R., Senior, M. L. : Some methodological issues in the design and evaluation of an urban park and ride system [Leeds]
- Course, E. : The Reading, Guildford and Reigate Railway [Southampton]
- Copley, G., Maher, M. J. : Pedestrian movements in central Liverpool – survey technique and data analysis [Leeds]
- Robson, R. M. : Relative impedance to pedestrian movement and its effect on the use of crossing facilities [Leeds]
- Breur, M. W. K. A. : The Witkar, a new transportation system [Delft University of Technology]
- Smith, M. J. : The traffic and the environment of towns [York]
- Wright, C. : An explanation for some aspects of the behaviour of congested road traffic in terms of a simple model [University College London]
- Doubleday, C. : Social and economic impacts of different levels of spatial mobility: a discussion and some empirical studies [Cambridge]
- Pas, E. I. : The unit of analysis in the modelling of residential trip generation [Cape Town]
- Gray, J. : Industrial trip generation [Leeds]
- Dalvi, M. Q., Martin, K. M. : Accessibility and trip generation [Leeds]
- Mukherjee, M. : Trip-patterns generated by schools in the Leeds district [Leeds]
- Forde, M. C., Birse, R. M., Fraser, D. M. : The analysis of highway skid resistance and safety using a photogrammetric classification procedure [Edinburgh]
- Birse, R. M., Forde, M. C., Brown, S. W. : Time-lapse cinematography from a moving vehicle [Edinburgh]
- Rapp, M. H., Mattenberger, P., Piguet, S., Robert-Grandpierre, A. : An interactive graphics system for transit route optimisation [Lausanne]
- Jennings, A. : The EEC’s Common Transport Policy, road wear and tear, and UK commercial vehicle taxation [Leicester]
1976 Conference (Aston)
- Dix, M. C. : Unstructured household interviews as a means of investigating the travel decision process [Oxford]
- Doubleday, C. : The temporal stability of person trip generation models: some preliminary results [Cambridge]
- Hensher, D. A. : Market segmentation as a mechanism in allowing for variability of traveller behaviour [Oxford]
- Kirby, H. R. : The logistic model of car ownership: an analysis corresponding to its error structure [University College London]
- Elton, M., Christie, E. : Should telecommunication be seen as a substitute for business travel? [University College London]
- Barney, G. C. : The present state of vertical (lift) transportation [UMIST]
- Hartley, M. G., Waterfall, R. C., Fisher, A. : A study into pedestrian traffic in buildings [UMIST]
- Gilbert, D., Dodd, H. I. : The use of a tachograph as a traffic engineering instrument [Imperial College]
- Smith, M. J. : Towards a traffic control which minimises traffic conflict [York]
- Ashworth, R., Lawrence, C. J. D. : Roundabout capacity prediction [Sheffield]
- Goldschmidt, J. : Pedestrian delay: its measurement and role in response to changes in traffic patterns [Imperial College]
- Hills, P., Rees, F. : The development of attitude-measurement techniques for evaluating pedestrianisation schemes [Leeds]
- Mayne, A. J. : Comparison of analogue and digital methods of assigning traffic to a road network [University College London]
- Bell, M. C. : Possibilities for dial-a-ride serving two housing estates [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Day, M. P. : The estimation of passenger waiting time for buses and trains [Salford]
- Chapman, R. A. : Bus reliability [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Charlesworth, J. A., Walmsley, J. : A study of bus operations in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and recommendations for future similar studies [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Cox, F., Jeffries, T. O. : A control system for grouped auto-taxis [Brunel]
- Lowe, S. R. : An opportunity for shared taxi operations: the central London railway terminals [Polytechnic of Central London]
- Williams, S. R. : The problems and potential developments of cross-country rail services [Polytechnic of Central London]
- Rice, P. : Storage type models of terminus capacity with applications to bus and railway stations [University College London]
- Dodgson, J. S. : Railway subsidies, social benefits and the British Rail network [Liverpool]
- Maltby, D., Lawler, K. A., Monteath, I. G. : Higher petrol prices and urban passenger transport [Salford]
- Lyon, K. : Errors in evaluation of traffic noise levels [Liverpool]
- Satterthwaite, S. P. : The analysis of factors influencing road account statistics [University College London]
1977 Conference (Strathclyde/Glasgow)
- Belavacqua, G., Grigg, P. J. : A new hardware road traffic simulator using microprocessors [UMIST]
- Grigg, P. J., Hartley, M. : An isolated traffic-control system using microprocessors [UMIST]
- Smith, M. J. : The interaction between signal-setting policy and route choice: a simple example [York]
- Aitken, J. M. : Wade’s roads in Scotland [Strathclyde]
- Cresswell, C., Griffiths, J. D., Hunt, J. G. : A simulation model of a pelican crossing: its application as a design aid [UWIST]
- Girling, A. : Computer simulation of train following behaviour [University College of Swansea]
- Griffiths, J. D. : The development of the Suez Canal [UWIST]
- Hassan, E. M., Griffiths, J. D. : The maximum shipping capacity of the Suez Canal [UWIST]
- Forde, M. C., Sweetnam, J. L. G. : Transport in the Scottish Highlands – a comparison between the Outer Hebrides and Caithness [Edinburgh]
- Leese, M. N. : A statistical test for trip distribution models [University College London]
- Blumenfeld, D. E. : The joint distribution of home and work place locations in a city, analysed for separate modes of transport to work [University College London]
- Moss, A. J., Leake, G. R. : Travellers’ modal choice to central area rail termini [Leeds]
- Goodwin, P. B. : Travel choice and time budgets, a further progress report [Oxford]
- White, P. R. : Alternative future levels of public transport demand [Polytechnic of Central London]
- Adams, J. G. U. : Half a baby is murder [University College London]
- Coles, O. B. : Economics of scale in transport: some unsettled questions [East Anglia]
- Turnbull, A. M. : Public consultation in highways planning: the exhibition [Surrey]
1978 Conference (City)
- Bell, M G. H. : Preliminary investigations of the properties of inter-regional road freight distribution: [Leeds]
- Goodwin, P. B. : Intensity of car use in Oxford: [Oxford]
- Jennings, A. : Determining a global sum for road user taxation: [Leicester]
- Rice, P. : The Smeed approach to urban transport planning – a commentary: [University College London]
- Harrison, I. B., Cullingford, G. : Modal choice with distributed costs: [Nottingham]
- Fowkes, A. S. , et al. : Regional car ownership models – an investigation of functional forms: [Leeds]
- Kirby, H. R., Leese, M. N. : Trip distribution calculations and sampling error: some theoretical aspects: [Leeds]
- Wright, E. J. : Capacity restraint using dynamic assignment: [City]
- Wren, A. : Computer scheduling of buses and crews: [Leeds]
- Buxby, G. M. : A random selection approach to the vehicle scheduling problem: [Glasgow]
- Symeonides, X. P. : Simulation of a marshalling yard: [University College of Swansea]
- Maltby, D. : Current and future energy consumption in the UK surface passenger transport sector and policy options for energy conservation: [Salford]
- Bell, W. T., Gigg, M. F. : The visual effects of moving traffic: [Sheffield]
- Graham, R. : Optimal capacity and fares for probabilistic demand: [Liverpool]
- Hartley, M. G., et al. : Preliminary studies into the CAD of pedestrian circulation areas: [UMIST]
- Goldby, F. J. M., Snelson, P. : The urban development of cycleways with particular regard to Bedford/Kempston: [City]
- Young, A. E., et al. : Skid resistance requirements of urban roads: [Salford]
- Powell, D. G., Glen, M. G. M. : Operating characteristics of roundabouts: [Queen Mary College, London]
- Cooper, D. F., et al. : Effects of acceleration and kind of vehicle on drivers’ gap acceptance at T-junctions: [Royal Holloway College]
- Mayne, A. J. : Settings of traffic signals at an intersection with variable arrival pattern: [University College London]
- Beilby, M. H. : Platoon dispersion at a signalised intersection and its dependency on traffic composition: [Birmingham]
- Trower-Foyan, M. : Motorway incidents: their frequency amd type – a case study based on work in the Glasgow area: [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Lund, G. R., Maher, M. J. : Examples of route control: [Sheffield]
- Smith, M. J. : Traffic control to minimise total junction delay and maximise network capacity: [York]
- Vassie, C. D. : Continuous descent approaches: [City]
- Bolland, J. D., et al. : A model for the evaluation of traffic management schemes: [Leeds]