Please Note: This information is being made available as part of UTSG’s ongoing project to provide complete records of all its annual conferences on
If you can help with any missing information (particularly if you have electronic copies of any of the papers or abstracts, or notice any mistakes) then please contact the UTSG Secretary.
1989 Conference (Napier)
- Maltby, D. : Investment in computer referencing in Greater Manchester Transport’s central telephone enquiry office: a comparison of mainframe with microcomputer techniques [Salford]
- Heydecker, B., Theobald, M. : Inductive and deductive analysis of road accident data [University College London]
- Tyler, N. : Bus priority design using artificial intelligence techniques [University College London]
- Makarachi, G. A. : Road planning in rural areas of developing countries [Birmingham]
- Abbas, K. A. : System dynamics modelling of the development of new cities in Egypt [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Elangovan, T. : A simplified transport model for cities in developing countries [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Turnbull, S., Troy, J. : The possible impact of the re-opening of the Edinburgh Suburban Railway Line on the travel patterns of shoppers at the Cameron Toll shopping centre [Napier Polytechnic]
- Bristow, A., James, N. : Light rail investment and operation. Contrasting policies in Czechoslovakia and the UK [UMIST]
- Dickins, I. S. J. : Light rail transit – the European experience [Birmingham Polytechnic]
- Jabbar, J. A. : Vehicle interactions in the region of roundabout entries [University of Wales]
- Botma, H. : Evaluation of Branston’s method to estimate the distribution of free speeds [Delft]
- Bovy, P. H. L., Van Vuren, T. : Variability in mode choice in home-to-work travel [Delft/Newcastle]
- O’Cinneide, D. : The limits of commuter modal choice in smaller cities [University College Cork]
- Holland, S. W. : Bulk service queues in transport systems [UWIST]
- Higginson, M. : The influence of geography, demography and company age on bus company performance [University of London]
- Preston, J. : The games people play; competitive practices in the deregulated urban bus market [Leeds]
- Pickup, L. : The effects of the 1985 Transport Act on employees in the bus industry in metropolitan areas [Oxford]
- Pullen, W. T. : The effects of bus deregulation on the quality of service in Scotland [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Shields, C. : Measuring passengers’ attitudes towards bus deregulation. A case study of Newcastle-upon-Tyne city centre [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Nelson, J. D. : On the coordination of buses and passengers: an Oxford Street case study [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Ashley, C. A., Atherton, J. P., Sinclair, M., Chisanga, G. : Engine and vehicle parameter monitoring [Bolton Institute of HE]
- Baker, C. J., Brockie, N. : The aerodynamic drag of high speed trains [Nottingham]
- Coleman, S., Baker, C. J. : High-sided road vehicles in cross-winds [Nottingham]
- Ramache, A. : Statistical analysis of single vehicle roadside accidents as a basis for road safety improvements [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Clark, J. M., Hutton, B. J. : The appraisal of community severance [Cranfield]
- Hyland, I. : Untitled (police forces and accident reporting) [Birmingham]
- Potter, S. : Managing innovation: a study of British Rail’s APT & IC 225 projects [Open University]
- Robbins, D. K. : Crossing the Channel in the 1990s: the impact of the tunnel [Dorset Institute of HE]
- Hutton, B. J., Clark, J. M. : Monitoring minibus services in Milton Keynes [NIT, Cairo]
- McDonald, D. G. : The results of a pilot study into driver route choice in urban areas [Napier Polytechnic]
- Oh, J. : Estimation of trip matrices in networks with equilibrium link flows [University College London]
- Wackrill, P., Wright, C., Appa, G. M. : Conflict-reducing route assignments [Middlesex Polytechnic]
- McGuinness, I. : Strategic decision making in voluntary sector community transport: a case study of Newcastle community transport [Loughborough]
- Sutton, J., Cassidy, S. : The role of the rural transport adviser [Loughborough]
- Toner, J. P. : The substitutability of hackney carriages and private hire cars [Leeds]
- Fellendorf, M. : A comparison of British and German signal control methodology [Karlsruhe ]
- Bell, M. G. H., Cowell, M. P. H., Heydecker, B. G. : A stochastic control theoretical approach to vehicle-actuated traffic signal control at isolated intersections [Newcastle]
- Hadi, T. A. G., Hawkins, R. J. : The continuous monitoring of close-car following [Trent Polytechnic]
- Zia, F. : Lane-changing behaviour at merges on motorways and dual-carriageways [Cardiff]
- Mahdi, T. : Overtaking behaviour on single carriageway roads [Cardiff]
- Wefati, A. M. : The application of rail force transducers to continuously welded rails in hot climates [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Wright, J. A. : The need for durability control plans for the key components in turbofan aircraft engines [Aston]
- Wan, C. L., Bathgate, C. C., Dickinson, K. W. : Early results from an evaluation of microwave vehicle detectors at traffic signal controlled intersections [Napier Polytechnic ]
- Walker, M. : Modelling the impact of new transport infrastructure on the operations of road freight transport companies [Huddersfield Polytechnic]
- Tweddle, G. : New inter-modal freight technology [Leeds]
- Fawaz, B., Mountain, L. : The assessment of area-wide effects of traffic management on road accident occurrence [Liverpool]
- Lawson, S. D., Proctor, S. : Accidents to young pedestrians in a metropolitan urban area: research outline, demographic trends and preliminary results from a study of coroner’s records [Birmingham]
- Loveday, J. : Spatial analysis of road accident data and the accident migration hypothesis [Middlesex Polytechnic]
- Kerali, H., Smith, M. S. : Modelling road surface conditions using statistical distributions [Birmingham]
- Duffell, J. R., Kalombraris, A., Ng, E. T. S. : Structural maintenance assessment and performance of minor roads [Hatfield Polytechnic]
- Astill, D. J. : Express coach access to major airports [Polytechnic of Central London]
- Dean, C. : New entrants in the urban Dorset bus market [Dorset Institute of HE]
- Marshall, A. N. : Quantification and analysis of tourist coach movements in London [University College London]
- Bonsall, P., Hopkinson, P., Nash, C., Wardman, M. : Some issues in estimating and appraising the community valuation of local public transport services [Leeds]
- Appa, G. M., Jarret, D., Wright, C. : Graph theory and traffic management – a review of recent progress and some potential applications [Middlesex Polytechnic]
- Goodwin, P. B. : Demand elasticities for public and private transport – a review [Oxford]
1990 Conference (Hatfield)
- Cousins, S. : Green cars: past experience and future design criteria [Cranfield]
- Smith, M. : Dynamic traffic assignment and dynamic traffic control [York]
- Iunes, F. F. : Public transport provision and the distribution of income and welfare [University College London]
- Higginson, M. : The theory and practice of competitive tendering in public transport policy [University College London]
- Dean, C. : Developments in the day trip coaching industry [Dorset Institute of HE]
- Ramache, A. : Relationship between the location of fixed roadside objects and the frequency of single vehicle accidents [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Barker, D. J. : Design aspects of uncontrolled left turn lanes at signalised junctions [Napier Polytechnic]
- Watling, D. P. : The statistical analysis of partial registration plate data from many observation points [Sheffield]
- Timms, P. : Using link count and ‘old’ trip matrix data to make present day estimates [Leeds]
- Nelson, J. D. : Innovative bus control for congested urban corridors – the application of convoying systems [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Sadullah, A. F. : Bus stop congestion and its contribution to delay [University College London]
- Axhausen, K. W., Polak, J. W. : An exploration of parking search strategies [Oxford]
- Wackrill, P. : Routes chosen to reduce the potential for urban accidents [Middlesex Polytechnic]
- Dew, A., Bonsall, P. W. : Evaluation of automatic transcription audio tape for registration plate surveys [Leeds]
- Schober, W. : Congestion management by using ‘on line’ queuing times from a dynamic route guidance system [Tech Un Berlin]
- Van Vuren, T. : Multiple user class assignment in a route guidance context [Leeds]
- Breheret, L., Hounsell, N. B., McDonald, M. : The simulation of route guidance and traffic incidents [Southampton]
- Makarachi, G. A., Tillotson, H. T. : An advisory expert system for data input to HDM – III [Birmingham]
- Elangovan, T. : Appropriate transportation planning techniques for India – an evaluation procedure [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Abbas, K. A. : Simulation of the effects of transport investment policies on the development of road infrastructure [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Kalombaris, A., Duffell, J. R. : Structural maintenance assessment and performance of minor roads [Hatfield Polytechnic]
- Bonner, D. G., Cawsey, D. C., Gourley, C. : Mechanisms of stripping in bituminous mixtures [Hatfield Polytechnic]
- Woodburn, M. : Towards the area-wide assessment of the traffic impact of retail developments [Napier Polytechnic]
- Wan, C. L., Maciver, A. : The development of TRAIDS – a traffic impact analysis database [Napier Polytechnic]
- Saleh, W. : Factors influencing the travel behaviour of inter city passengers in Egypt [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Younes, B. : The effectiveness of new road schemes in urban areas: example from Britain and Germany and lessons to be learnt [Imperial College]
- Abdulkarim, D. R. : A technique to measure driver behaviour at hazardous locations [UMIST]
- Carsten, O., Tight, M. : An intelligent traffic system for vulnerable road users [Leeds]
- Lee, N. D., Atkins, S. T., Atkins, S. R. E. : Travel and security: can environmental changes reduce crime and fear of crime? [Southampton]
- Heydecker, B. G., Khoo, T. K. : The equilibrium network design problem [University College London]
- Ghali, M. : Some numerical results on the iterative assignment control procedure and network design problem [York]
- Ribeiro, P. C. M. : The effects of variable traffic flows on the operation of ATC [University College London]
- Reid, D. A. : Junction design and congested route choice [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Tolley, K. : Domestic travel and communications interactions – empirical and theoretical evidence using UK FES data [Leeds]
- Dickins, I. S. J. : The provision and use of park and ride facilities on rapid transit systems [Birmingham Polytechnic]
- Pullen, W. T. : Public transport developments in Canada [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Hughes, P. : Transport and emissions and the greenhouse effect [Open University]
- Bell, M. C. : Environmental impact of traffic [Nottingham]
- Saleh, W. : Saturated flow and effective approach widths at signalised intersections in Greater Cairo [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Chadzopoulos, M., Heydecker, B. G., Willumsen, L. G., Tillotson, H. : CAPSET: a computer program to optimise signal timings [University College London]
- de Figueiredo Pereira, A. D. : Portuguese experience with characterisation of traffic flow in urban intersections with traffic signals [Oporto]
- Bell, M. C., Dolphin, R. W. : Fundamental parameters for an urban traffic control expert system [Nottingham]
- Potter, S. : The Sierra set rolls on… [Open University]
1991 Conference (Nottingham)
- Polak, J., Jones, P. : In-home information systems needs and responses [Oxford]
- Bonsall, P. : Response to route guidance [Leeds]
- Axhausen, K. W. : Household and individual activity scheduling review and research directions [Oxford]
- Schwarzmann, R. : Some features of a new policy sensitive transport model [Karlsruhe ]
- Joint, M. : Behavioural models of route choice [Leeds]
- Henson, R. R., Whelan, N. D. : Layout and design factors affecting cycle safety at T junctions [Salford]
- McClintock, H. : The value of special facilities in promoting cycling and cyclists safety: experience and lessons from Greater Nottingham [Nottingham]
- Timms, P., Carvalho, S. : Inclusion of pedestrians and cyclists in network planning models [Leeds]
- Liu, G. : A dynamic model of the evolution of traffic congestion on a link [Leeds]
- Al-Madani, H. M. N. : The prediction of timing of shock waves between two oversaturated traffic signals [Leeds]
- Kirby, H. R., Smith, M. J. : Can chaos theories have transport applications? [Leeds]
- Bell, M. C. : The instrumented city [Nottingham]
- Reid, D. A. : Some aspects of junction design for maximum capacity [Nottingham]
- de Figueiredo Pereira, A. J. : The definition of classes of vehicles and influence in traffic signals settings [Oporto]
- Martinez, F. J. : The bid choice land use model: an integrated economic framework [Leeds]
- Addis, F. : Some properties of the land use and transport integrated models [University College London]
- Jorge da Maia Seco, A. : Analysis and evaluation of a T junction working under the nearside priority rule [Leeds]
- Sutomo, H. : Modelling mixed traffic in a signalised junction [Leeds]
- Mbara, T. C., Turner, R. P., White, P. R. : Cost benefit analysis of urban minibus operations [Polytechnic of Central London]
- Pullen, W. : The impact of park and ride on city centre congestion: a case study of the Tyne and Wear Metro [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Smith, M. J. : System optimal routeing of a given dynamic demand through a congested network [York]
- Dodgson, J. S., Dawson, C. M., Brown, P. J. B., Pearson, M. A. : Public transport and access to employment: evidence from four ‘deprived’ areas on Merseyside [Liverpool]
- Peixoto de Sequeira Santos, M. : Energy use in urban transport in developing countries: a group technique survey [Rio de Janeiro]
- Hopkinson, P., Berrett, B. : Designing with users [Leeds]
- Senna, L. A. D. S. : Valuing travel time variability: a new approach [Leeds]
- Dodgson, J. S., Katsoulacos, Y., Newton, C. : Modelling bus competition to identify predation [Liverpool]
- Evans, R. G., Bell, M. C. : A description of the computer link between Nottingham University and the Leicester SCOOT UTC system [Nottingham]
- Zhang, X., Hoose, N. : Background adaptation in traffic vehicle recognition [University College London]
- Gray, B. M., Ibbetson, L. : Operational traffic control strategies for congestion [Leeds]
- Makarachi, G. A., Tillotson, H. T., Wilkins, A. J. : Expert system enhancements to a road pavement management system [Birmingham]
- Nelson, J. D. : An integrated model for a bus control/passenger information system [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Jolly, C. J. H. : Guided buses [Polytechnic of Central London]
- Fowkes, A. S. : Recent developments in stated preference techniques in transport research [Leeds]
- Preston, J., Wardman, M. : The use of hypothetical questioning techniques to assess the future demand for travel in the Nottingham area [Leeds]
- Watling, D. : System optimal versus user optimal route guidance [Leeds]
- Martin, P. T., Bell, M. C. : Turning movements from detector flows using state estimation theory: some early findings [Nottingham]
- Thorpe, N. : Congestion pricing scope and implementation [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Gregg, D. J. : 1992 is twenty five years after 1967 [Middlesex Polytechnic]
- Mutale Willy, B. C. : Effect of variability in travel demand and supply on urban network evaluation [Leeds]
- Bell, M. G. H. : Equilibrium assignment under stochastic demand [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Baker, C. J. : Wind induced accidents of road vehicles [Nottingham]
- Loveday, J., Jarret, D. : Spatial autocorrelation and road accident ‘migration’ [Middlesex Polytechnic]
- Hutton, B. : Modelling futures: stills or movies [Napier Polytechnic]
- Haggag, M. A. : The north west coast of Egypt: transportation and the regional development [Liverpool]
- Hoad, J. P. : Secondary effects of road accident remedial measures [Birmingham]
- Gnecco de Camargo Braga, M. : A comparison of subjective assessment of risk for vehicle drivers and traffic experts: an approach to using the lens model [Rio de Janeiro]
- Brodrick, B. V. : Full scale pavement test facilities in Australia and New Zealand [Nottingham]
- Cooper, K. E. : New developments in testing of bitumenous materials [Nottingham]
- Ghali, M. O. : Optimal time-varying signal settings of congested networks [York]
- Dougherty, M. S., Montgomery, F. O. : A rule based approach to traffic signal design [Leeds]
- Wright, C. C. : Spatial aspects of road traffic circulation: hierarchical systems [Middlesex Polytechnic]
- Whiteing, A. E., Thomasson, E. : Consulting the experts: discovering the nature of changes affecting the freight transport and distribution industry using Delphi techniques [Huddersfield Polytechnic]
- Atkins, S. T. : Goal achievement appraisal methods [Southampton]
1992 Conference (Newcastle)
- Goodwin, P.B. : New demand elasticities and new policies: [Oxford]
- Bonsall, P. : PLUTO: computer assisted training for transport planners: [Leeds]
- Andrade, N.P., McDonald, M. : The traffic operation of staggered intersections: [Southampton]
- Ju-Kun Pan, Duffell, R. : A systematic approach to the maintenance of minor roads: [Hatfield Polytechnic]
- Wilkins, A.J., Tillotson, H.T. : Use of knowledge-based systems in the investigation of the relationship between highway maintenance and road user costs: [Birmingham]
- Fawcett, P. : PSV Operators’ Appeals to the Transport Tribunal since 1986 – parallels with goods vehicle operator licensing?: [Manchester College of Arts and Technology]
- Sadullah, A.F. : Conflicting issues in the provision of public transport: [University College London]
- Martin, P.T., Bell, M.C. : Linear programming applied to flow prediction from detector flows: [Nottingham]
- Al-Madani, H. M. N. : The prediction of the location of head and tail of queues between two oversaturated signals: [Leeds]
- Wafaa, S. : The true logit captivity model: [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Armstrong, D.M. : An analysis of the determinants of public and private transport usage based on aggregate comparative data: [???]
- Carey, M., Kwiecinski, A. : Stochastic and analytical approximations to the effects of headways on train delays: [Ulster]
- Toner, J.P. : The very peculiar practice of taxi licensing: [Leeds]
- Bonsall, P.W., Pearman, A.D., Cobbett, M. : MASCOT – a decision support system to help in the definition, development and ranking of scheme options: [Leeds]
- Forrest, D., Glen, J., Ward, R. : Both sides of the track are wrong: a study of the effect of an urban railway system on the pattern of house prices: [Salford]
- Stokes, G. : The effects of current trends in transport on the countryside in Great Britain: [Oxford]
- Yamashita, Y. : Travel demand forecasting and appraisal of highway schemes under congested conditions: [University of Wales – College of Cardiff]
- Fae, M.I. : Explaining the pattern of commuting to central London: [Leeds]
- Shepherd, S.P. : Low level integration of a route guidance strategy and a traffic responsive control strategy: [Leeds]
- Polak, J., Khattak, A. : Determinants of drivers’ knowledge of parking: the role of broadcast information: [Oxford]
- Joint, M. : A cognitive evaluation of in-vehicle route guidance systems: [Leeds]
- Cassidy, S., McGuinness. I. : The changing nature of special needs transport provision: [Polytechnic Central London]
- Taylor, D. : Towards an evaluation method for pedestrian friendly schemes: [Leeds]
- Addison, J.D., Heydecker, B.G. : Traffic models for Dynamic Traffic Assignment: [University College London]
- Ghali, M.O., Smith, M.J. : Dynamic road pricing and dynamic traffic assignment of over-saturated road networks: [York]
- Asakura, Y. : Maximum capacity of road network constrained by user equilibrium conditions: [University College London and Ehime University]
- Lyons, G. : Pedestrian delay at fixed time pelican crossings – is a single vehicle precedence period adequate?: [University of Wales – College of Cardiff]
- Parr, T.C., Darkin, C.G. : A prtotype for low cost automatic vehicle speed trapping via image processing: [UMIST]
- Ibrahim, K.B. : Bayesian method for combination of accident frequencies at a group of sites: [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Bell, M.C., Kerridge, J. : COngestion Management Information System: [Nottingham]
- Cole, S. : Mass transit policies in the United States: [Polytechnic of North London]
- Kim, K-J. : Development of an integrated traffic control strategy for both the signalized network and the urban motorway network: [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Probert, S.V.E. : The polarisation of European logistics activity: [Huddersfield Polytechnic]
- Evans, R., Martin, P.T. : Route determination from partial registration plate data: [Nottingham]
- Holden, D. : Efficiency measures for stated preference experiments: [Leeds]
- Heseltine, P., DuSautoy, C. : The potential for park and ride: [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Heseltine, P.M., Nelson, J.D. : The potential for park and sail: a case-study of Plymouth: [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Lee, S. : A simplicial decomposition algorithm to solve the traffic assignment problem: [University College London]
- Hislop, A.D. : Parallel processing in simulation assignment: [Southampton]
- Reynolds, S., Bell, M.C. : Carbon monoxide monitoring in urban areas: [Nottingham]
- Belk, D. : The measurement of road surface temperatures with infra-red thermometers (thermal mapping): [Sheffield]
- Tough, S. : A comparison of minimum-cost and minimum-subsidy public transport tendering methods: [Polytechnic of Central London]
- Pullen W.T. : Definition and measurement of quality of service for local public transport: [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Smith, M.J. : A new dynamic traffic model and the existence and calculation of dynamic user equilibria on congested capacity-constrained road networks: [York]
- Cybis, H.B.B. : A dynamic user equilibrium assignment model: [Leeds]
- Ghali, M.O., Smith, M.J. : Road pricing: a new model for assessing the many options: [York]
- Atkins, S. T. : TDM, AQD’s, AVR’s, SLO’s, and TMA’s: an introduction to transportation policy in Southern California: [Southampton]
1993 Conference (Southampton)
- Wu, J. : The interactions between at grade operation LRVS and road vehicles at isolated signalized intersection: [Southampton]
- Smith, M.J., Wisten, M.B. : Distributed computation of dynamic traffic equilibria on large networks – a new method: [York]
- Ward, H., Cave, J. : Pedestrian exposure to risk: [University College London]
- Reynolds, S. : Carbon monoxide monitoring in Leicester: [Nottingham]
- Chiquetto, S. : The validation of predictive methods for environmental appraisal: [University College London]
- Crampton, G. : The case for traffic calming: improved safety, environmental improvement or both?: [Reading ]
- Robbins, D.K. : Transport as a tourist attraction. A case study of the Malta bus network.: [Bournemouth]
- Dean, C., Robbins, D. : A greater role for the bike for journeys to work and college? Results from a case study of Bournemouth University: [Bournemouth]
- Nelson, J.D. : An investigation into alternative levels of service for a cross-forth ferry service.: [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Addison, J.D., Heydecker, B.G. : A mathematical model for dynamic traffic assignment: [University College London]
- Alves, M.J. : Analysis of underground tunnels for London using traffic assignment: [Imperial College]
- Lee, S. : Detailed junction modelling in road traffic assignment: [University College London]
- Axhausen, K.W. : What are we searching, when we search for behavioural constants? Some observations: [Imperial College]
- Worsey, S.J. : The impact of alternative organisational arrangements on the demand for rail transport: [Leeds]
- White, P.R., Jones, D.E.S. : Modelling of cross-country rail services: [Westminster]
- Preston, J. : Franchising passenger rail services: the case of Manchester Metrolink: [Leeds]
- Sheikh, N. : Logistics integration: a review of the facilitating variables: [Central England]
- Corns, P. : The location of logistics activities in the UK: a study of UK based exporting manufacturers: [Huddersfield ]
- Firmin, P.E. : The study of driver route choice behaviour using artificial environments: [Leeds]
- Lyons, G., Hunt, J. : Traffic models – a role for neural networks?: [University of Wales – College of Cardiff]
- Goodwin, P.B. : What have we learned from panel surveys?: [Oxford]
- Leitham, S. : Predicting the economic development effects of tansportation projects: [Napier]
- Shi, X.S. : A method of modelling congestion effects on highway appraisal: [Southampton]
- Allen, J. : Just-In-Time Transportation and the Environment: [Westminster]
- Stewart-David, D. : Miles of bandages – the impact of supply changes in NHS Hospitals on patterns of transport: [Northumbria]
- Heller, C. : CombiCom, Combined Transport Communication System – a step towards a more competitive European combined freight transport industry: organizational aspects: [Cranfield]
- Ishtiaq, S., Hounsell, N. : Short term forecasting of traffic congestion in urban areas: [Southampton]
- Fox, K., Pretty, B., Shepherd, S., Clark, S. : PRIMAVERA, The evaluation of management strategies for Leeds Test Site: [Leeds]
- Gotts, N.M., Bonsall, P.W. : A new technique for investigating drivers’ response to In-Vehicle Route Guidance Information (IVRGI) Systems: [Leeds]
- Morrison, A. : Spatial aspects of modern information systems for public transport passengers in some countries of continental Europe: [Glasgow]
- Allen, P.A. : Driver response to parking guidance and information systems: [Imperial College]
- Ghali, M.O., Smith, M.J. : Traffic assignment, traffic control and road pricing: [York]
- Seale, K. : Attitudes of politicians in London to road pricing: [Westminster]
- AlJanahi, A. : The effect of the speed limits on the operating speed of vehicles: an empirical approach: [Newcastle upon Tyne]
- Pan, J-K. : Computerised maintenance management of minor roads: [Hertfordshire ]
- Marler, N.W. : Development of an Indonesian highway capacity manual: [Leeds]
- Dickins, I. : Cross boundary travel in the West Midlands: [Central England]
- Sadullah, A.F. : Modelling transport in Kuala Lumpur: [University College London]
- Bell, M.C., Bennett, L.D., Evans, R.G. : The ‘Instrumented City’ project: a status report and forward look: [Nottingham]
- Gylee, M. : Regulation as a form of monitoring and control: [Central England]
- Tyler, N. : Accessibility and mobility: the means for intermodal comparisons?: [University College London]